Friday, November 14, 2008

Some Stuff

So the good people at Atomic Books in Baltimore, MD have Crooked Teeth and The Archer for sale on their website, if you feel like ordering with a credit card or paypal or something!

And a very exciting review from Mr. Eric Reynolds of Fantagraphics books had this to say:
"CROOKED TEETH 2 & 3 and THE ARCHER by Nate Doyle. Nate Doyle was one of the most impressive discoveries at SPX for me. All three of these comics are very good, and The Archer is easily one of the best self-published comics I've read in 2008. Search him out."
Fantagraphics Blog

Lots of band stuff recently, so unfortunately the comics are coming slowly, I'll post more soon and if anyone would like to get directly in touch, feel free to email me welfare_nate(at)

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